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geographical features 地勢。

The area is home to the distinctive “ three river gorges country “ , a unique geographical feature where three parallel ridges separate four of the mighty rivers of asia , the irrawaddy ( dulongjiang ) , the salween ( nujiang ) , the mekong ( lancangjiang ) , and the upper headwaters of the yangtze ( known as the jinshajiang at that altitude ) “三江峽谷”風景區就位于此地,它擁有獨特的地理風貌:三座平行的山脊將亞洲四條大河流? ?獨龍江、怒江、湄公河(瀾滄江)和長江上游河段(又稱金沙江)分隔開來。

The map shows geographical features that could only have been gathered by cheng wo and other chinese explorers . gavin menzies will elaborate on cheng wos seven voyages which probably reached america at least 70 years before columbus and australia 250 years before cook . for the first time in hong kong 加文孟席斯gavin menzies為“ 1421年:中國發現世界“的作者,書籍于2002年出版,提出鄭和及其艦隊可能比哥倫布最少早70年抵達美國比庫克船長captain cook早250年抵澳洲的理論,觀點備受爭議。

“ varied geographical features , locations of public transport stops and interchanges , boundaries of country marine parks as well as hiking routes of each region will be shown in the maps . 圖內詳細標明各區的地理特色,并附有各種公共交通工具的上落客站、郊野公園與海岸公園及遠足徑的位置。

geographical information systems

This thesis analyzes this point from the following aspects : the geographical features of northeastern asia ; the historical evolution of america ' s security strategy in northeast - em asia ; contradictions and conflicts that affect america ' s security strategy in northeastern asia ; the adjustment of america ' s security strategy in northeastern asia and its influence after the cold war 本文從東北亞地緣特征、美國東北亞安全戰略的歷史演變、影響美國東北亞安全戰略的矛盾和沖突、冷戰后美國東北亞安全戰略的調整及其影響等方面進行分析。第一部分:東北亞地緣特點。

The area is home to the distinctive “ three river gorges country “ , a unique geographical feature where three parallel ridges separate four of the mighty rivers of asia , the irrawaddy ( dulongjiang ) , the salween ( nujiang ) , the mekong ( lancangjiang ) , and the upper headwaters of the yangtze ( known as the jinshajiang at that altitude ) “三江峽谷”風景區就位于此地,它擁有獨特的地理風貌:三座平行的山脊將亞洲四條大河流? ?獨龍江、怒江、湄公河(瀾滄江)和長江上游河段(又稱金沙江)分隔開來。

To explore the structure and relationship of regional sustainable development system , this thesis uses theories of environment economics , resources economics , sustainable development theory , regional economics , industrial economics and econometrics ? ? multiply subject as surrounding theoretical knowledge , uses sustainable development thought as guide line , uses the affection of sustainability of recourses and environment to the economy and the geographical feature of the factor which effect the development of regional economy as theoretical rational factor , takes regional sustainable development system as stop point , takes ev - r - ec i - o model as the tools , takes industrial adjustment as method and takes improving the economy development rapidly , steadily and harmony as main goal to theoretical and demonstration research 為探索區域可持續發展系統的結構關系,本文綜合環境經濟學,資源經濟學,可持續發展理論,區域經濟學,產業經濟學,計量經濟學等多學科的理論預備知識;以可持續發展思想為指導,以區域經濟發展條件中的環境、資源可持續性對經濟發展的影響,以及可持發展系統要素的地域性為理論依據;以區域可持續發展系統為立足點;以ev - r - ec投入產出模型為分析工具;以產業結構調整為手段,以促進現階段區域經濟快速,平穩,協調發展的目標,進行了理論和實證研究。

Drawing on the experience of the classification above from the aspects of geographical position and spacial distribution , geographical feature , geographical process , geographical causality , spacial interaction and people and the earth ' s coordinating way , the probe tactics of different geographical problems are analysed in the article 借鑒以上分類,文中從地理位置和空間分布、地理特征、地理過程、地理因果關系、空間相互作用、人地協調途徑幾方面,分析不同地理問題的探究策略。

Our herbal base lies in the southeast of gansu , where is the natural joint of many highlands and mountains . special geographical features , fertile soil and moist weather make super quality natural herbs abound , such ax artificially planted radix angelicae sinensis , rhiozma gastrodiae , radix glycyrrhizae , radix scutellariae , herba ephedrae , rhizoma polygonati , gerba epimedii , semen armeniacae amarum 藥材基地地處甘肅東南部,位于青藏高原、黃土高原橫斷山脈和秦嶺的交匯地,地理位置特殊,氣候高寒陰濕,這里土地肥沃,氣候濕潤,盛產各種優質中藥材,家種藥材以當歸、白條黨參、紅芪、黃芪等為主,野生藥材主要品種有柴胡、赤芍、防風、天麻、甘草、淫羊藿、黃苓、麻黃、黃精、杏仁、鹿銜草等,俗有“藥鄉”之美稱。

Furthermore , the non - agriculture sector such as sweetpotato processing would absorb many rural surplus labours or realize their full employment . ( 2 ) the agricultural industrialization calls for the reform over the present system of farmland and the application and dissemination of participatory development . ( 4 ) factors such as geographical features , location , socio - economic status , the scale of farms , burden of taxation and fees , the price of agricultural products are the external factors which affect the management behaviors of farmer households ; while the number of laborers , coeffici 建議政府因地制宜、因勢利導,鼓勵農戶從事兼業經營,大力發展具有地方特色和優勢的非農產業,尤其是勞動密集型的農產品加工業,以就地吸收農村剩余勞動力,同時增加農民收入;盡快健全縣、鄉級農業推廣組織機構,在工作方法上推行“參與式農村發展”方法體系;加強農村信貸體系建設;重視農村基礎教育和對農民的尊重。

The map shows geographical features that could only have been gathered by cheng wo and other chinese explorers . gavin menzies will elaborate on cheng wos seven voyages which probably reached america at least 70 years before columbus and australia 250 years before cook . for the first time in hong kong 加文孟席斯gavin menzies為“ 1421年:中國發現世界“的作者,書籍于2002年出版,提出鄭和及其艦隊可能比哥倫布最少早70年抵達美國比庫克船長captain cook早250年抵澳洲的理論,觀點備受爭議。

With an eye to persistent development , the future development of shiyan city should be zone - oriented pattern in conformity to its geographical features and to the requirements of the city function ; and make overall plans and taken into consideration all factors of land use involving the industrial zone , the habitation zone and the public establishments zone , in order to construct an ecotypic garden city with shiyan characteristics 從可持續發展高度著眼,未來十堰市城市應依據自然地理條件和城市功能組織要求以帶狀多組團發展模式進行規劃,在工業、居住及公共設施用地上統籌兼顧,建設具備十堰山城特色的生態園林城。

Besides geographical feature , anping fort had the most complete scale of equipments and during several times of reinforcement by the dutch , anping fort had a 3 - layer structure . the upper one had about 900 level grounds with western fortress and the middle was the meeting room and offices . as for the lower one was a store for weapons , ammunition and food 經荷人歷年的增補改建,鄭成功所接收的安平鎮城,具有上下三層結構的建筑規模,最上層面積約九百坪的西式炮臺,中層主要為總督府署、會議廳堂,底層則為面積廣闊約一千坪的儲藏室,用來放置武器彈藥及儲存糧食。

Small as it is , tokyo s geographical features are rich in variety , comprising low lands of only four meters above the sea - level and mountainous areas of over 2000 meters . in addition , it must be noted that certain volcanic islands in the pacific such as the izu and ogasawara islands also are part of tokyo 從海拔4m以下的低地到海拔2000m的山地,地形綿延起伏,太平洋上的伊豆諸島等火山群島和小笠原諸島都屬于東京都范圍,所以,雖然東京面積小,然而地形多變也是其一大特征。

And hbds model is extended to hoom model . hoom is an objected - oriented integrated spatial model , which integrated geometric model , geographical feature model , geographical representation model , spatial calculation model and temporal model that based on hypergraph model . a normal object - oriented multi - resolution model is proposed to manage integrated multi - resolution spatial data that is dlg and dem data 這兩類空間數據的建模方法存在較大的差異,第一類數據的建模是通過特征模型和超圖對象模型實現的,第二類數據的建模是通過對自適應規則三角形和不規則三角形的簡化與細化算法的研究實現的。

Formed the geographical feature with long and narrow city as a result of country landform , urban north and south is long and the thing is short , the main artery that china road is a city is perforative north and south , cent is the road austral the china north road , road in china and china , between two parties of existing business program slants north , basically distributing to be mixed in china north road the road in china , flourishing degree and commercial atmosphere are apparently strong at the south 由于山地地形而形成了城市狹長的地理特征,城市南北長而東西短,中華路為城市的主要干道貫穿南北,分為中華北路、中華中路和中華南路,現有商業規劃居中偏北,主要分布在中華北路和中華中路,繁華程度和商業氛圍明顯強于南部。

Derived from the geographical features , the overall characteristics of russian diplomacy demonstrates itself as follows : there exists a great leeway for diplomatic maneuvers allowing for greater probabilities of transformations in both foreign policies and diplomatic focuses ; much importance is attached to coping with the relationships with its neighbors by adopting different diplomatic strategies towards nations of different ethnicities and religions ; avoiding double - front or multi - front battlefield occupies a dominant place in russian diplomacy ; and another outstanding position is given to anti - blockade diplomacy with an special effort to obtain and maintain the possession of marine outlets 這些特征決定了俄羅斯外交的一般特征,具體表現為:俄羅斯外交周旋的空間大,外交政策轉換的概率大,外交運作的重心變化多;重視處理與鄰國之間的關系,對不同實力、不同民族宗教的鄰國采取不同的外交方略;避免兩線或多線作戰在俄羅斯外交中地位突出;注重謀取和維護出海口,反封鎖外交在俄羅斯外交中占有重要位置等。

The district of haidian is one focusing on science and education , culture and tourism , an area where many government organs , scientific research institutions , universities and colleges are located . this , together with its special geographical features , renders the district a very significant place in the city , and the municipal government has always attached importance to the construction of infrastructures of the place 它位于北京市區的西北部,東與西城、朝陽區相臨,南與宣武、豐臺區毗連,西與石景山、門頭溝區交界北與昌平區接壤,總面積426平方公里,約占北京市的3 % ,全區地勢西高東低,西部為山地,東部和南部為平原。

The research provides planning of three dai - race villages in the area of mengla in xishuangbanna - manlongdai , mof en and manban in detail by an on - the - spot investigation , taking photographs , collecting information on geographical features and folk - custom culture 本研究通過對西雙版納傣族村寨進行田野調查和實地考察、拍攝照片、采訪收集有關地理風貌和民俗文化風情等歷史文獻及相關資料,對西雙版納勐臘曼龍代、么粉、曼崩三個傣族村寨進行了具體地規劃設計。

Besides geographical feature , anping fort had the most complete scale of equipments and during several times of reinforcement by the dutch , anping fort had a 3 - layer structure . the upper one had about 900 level grounds with western fortress and the middle was the meeting room and offices 明永歷十五年(清順治十八年,西元1661年)鄭成功既逐荷人,十二月以熱蘭遮城為安平鎮(為安平名稱的起源) ,改名王城,為明鄭政權之始。